Fit for Work from UWV

The aim of our guidance within Fit for Work is that after the process, you are fully ready to get back to work. What we strive for is that you are eager to take the next step, which is networking and applying for the job that suits you!

Experienced since 2005 with excellent results

You can contact Dynamisch Bureau for a reintegration process from UWV that exactly matches your situation, possibilities and wishes. We offer this reintegration process from UWV next to other processes from UWV. That is convenient, since you do not have to switch between bureaus.

These programs are reimbursed by UWV, such as for people who have a sickness benefit, WIA or Wajong benefit or are assessed at <35% WIA.

Together with you and your contact at UWV, we investigate what prevents you from getting back to work. Think of insufficient insight into what you want and what you can do, feelings of uncertainty and hopelessness, and insufficient experience in your direction.

We discuss which kind of guidance can remove these barriers and we formulate this in a reintegration plan. After approval of the plan, the process starts as soon as possible.

What do you achieve with “Fit for Work”?

  • Insight into your talents and a good presentation;
  • Overcoming barriers;
  • Clarity about an appropriate and realistic career goal;
  • Better insight into your personality, strengths and possible professions by using our test portal;
  • Finding a suitable work experience location and functioning within it;
  • Looking forward to the next step: networking and applying for a job;
  • Getting back to work quickly in a job that suits you through the To Work route.

Do you want to know how we can help you with a reintegration process on behalf of UWV?
