Personal coaching

Are things at work not running the way you want it to? Do you struggle with your work-life balance? Do you go to work with less enjoyment? Or do you keep having ‘issues’ with that one colleague? Don’t remain in this situation for too long and start with our personal coaching. Together with the coach, you will work on the challenges within your function, so that you will be able to go to work with more self-confidence and enjoyment.

Do you recognize yourself in one or more of the situations below:

  • You are doing quite well and at the same time you would like to improve things at work
  • You have trouble getting out of bed to go to work;
  • You find yourself grumbling more and more about your work situation
  • You experience stress and/or fatigue
  • You worry a lot about your work and you’re not sleeping well
  • At work you often have trouble controlling your emotions

It is important not to ignore these signals and seek help. Dynamisch Bureau has years of experience in guiding people in similar situations.

Together with a personal coach from Dynamisch Bureau you will quickly gain more insight into your options to improve your work situation, and you will work on the desired coaching goals.

Together we stand strong!

Coordination with your manager can be part of this, so that you are supported at work in the desired (behavioral) changes. Because together we stand strong!


What personal coaching offers you:

  • Personal development in the areas that need attention;
  • Improved performance;
  • Going to work with (more) enjoyment;
  • You are better at setting boundaries;
  • More self-confidence;
  • Reduction or disappearance of possible complaints;
  • You are better at setting boundaries ;
  • You worry less and your sleep improves;

Take yourself seriously

We often offer 10 or 15 coaching hours for burnout coaching. A TMA Talent Analysis can be part of our offer. Curious how our coaching will help you to go to work with more fun?
