TMA Team Session, getting started with development
With the TMA Team Session of Dynamisch Bureau, teams get to work with their talents in a motivating way. This improves the atmosphere within the team, there is more acceptance of the differences between the team members and the results improve.
Team session with talent as the foundation
Before the start of the coaching of the entire team, each team member receives the personal TMA Talent Analysis. During the individual meeting, provided by one of the TMA Professionals of Dynamisch Bureau, the employee receives clarity about their own talents, motivations and aptitude for certain competencies. The employee also receives his extensive report.
After the individual discussions, the first team session follows. Depending on the questions and wishes, several half-days can be provided. The results of all team members can be displayed in a TMA Team Report, see Team Report Motivations and Talents.
Example team trajectory
In the first session, we focus on the differences and distribution of talents within the team. Employees get to know their own talents and those of their colleagues better. We also discuss the team’s goals and objectives, clarifying the key areas for development.
In a follow-up session, the team is guided in creating an Action Plan that outlines how they will work toward achieving their desired results, aligning with their talents and competencies.
During the final phase, we support the team in evaluating the Action Plan, adjusting agreements, and solidifying the outcomes.