UWV Fit for Work

The goal of our guidance within the “UWV Fit for Work” program is to ensure that, by the end of the process, you are fully ready to re-enter the workforce. Our aim is for you to feel eager and excited to take the next step: networking and applying for a job that suits you!

Experience since 2005 with excellent results

At Dynamisch Bureau, you can follow a reintegration program through UWV that is tailored to your situation, abilities, and needs. These programs are funded by UWV and are available for individuals receiving sickness benefits, WIA, or Wajong, or those assessed as <<35% WIA.

We have been working with UWV since 2005, and we have already successfully guided thousands of people to work through UWV. In addition to Making Work Fit, we also do UWV To Work and Job Retention for UWV. That’s nice, because a switch of agency is not necessary.

The right 'match' for you!

Before you have a click conversation with one of our coaches in your area, you will have contact with a so-called matcher from Dynamisch Bureau.

This matcher works with you to identify which coach suits you best and who you feel most comfortable with. This ensures an excellent chance of a good connection in the introduction meeting!

A tailored program

Together with you and your UWV contact person, we assess the barriers preventing you from returning to work. These might include a lack of clarity about what you want and can do, feelings of insecurity and hopelessness, difficulty setting boundaries, or insufficient experience in your field.

The program may also include support in finding a place to gain work experience. We discuss what guidance can help overcome your obstacles and incorporate this into a reintegration plan. Once the plan is approved, the program will start as quickly as possible.

What can you achieve with "Fit for Work"?

  • Insight into your talents and effective self-presentation
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Clarity about a suitable and realistic career goal
  • A better understanding of your personality, strengths, and potential professions through our test portal
  • Finding and thriving in a suitable work experience placement
  • Enthusiasm for the next step: networking and job applications

Extensive experience with diverse challenges

We have years of experience supporting individuals with emotional, physical, and psychological challenges. These include burnout, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), depression, ADHD, long COVID, anxiety, and psychosomatic complaints.

Exercise program and neurotraining

In addition to guidance from your coach, you can follow a unique exercise program or keep your brain healthy with our neurotraining.

Connect with other participants!

We regularly organize online group sessions for all our participants, each with a different theme, such as: “Confidently stepping out,” “Networking is the new job application,” “LinkedIn,” or “Stand out with your CV.” These sessions allow you to meet others in similar situations and expand your network!

Curious about how we can help you with a “Fit for Work” reintegration program through UWV?