
With outplacement, we provide pleasant and effective guidance toward a new job that makes your eyes sparkle. This ensures you quickly find the right place for you again!

Outplacement: Have you recently lost your job or are about to, and...

  • Are unsure how to approach finding a new job?
  • Feel uncertain about your future?
  • Struggle with emotions such as anger or sadness?
  • Want a job that truly makes you happy but are unsure which role suits you best?
  • Have received an outplacement budget and are looking for an agency that focuses on you and your specific situation?
Then we are the agency for you!

What does an outplacement program look like?

Dynamisch Bureau offers outplacement with a dedicated coach for one-on-one sessions, complemented by optional group sessions. Together, we aim for a quick transition to a new job where you can “live your talents.” The duration of a program typically ranges from 6 to 9 months. Our outplacement programs are always tailored to your needs. See our outplacement roadmap for an overview of the possible components.

What to expect in an outplacement program:

  • Processing your dismissal
  • Gain better insight into your talents
  • Clarity about a suitable and realistic career goal
  • Learning to present your talents and what you are looking for
  • Learning to network and apply for jobs effectively
  • Optimal use of LinkedIn
  • Professional photo for CV and LinkedIn
  • A striking CV and matching letter due to a choice of all kinds of formats
  • Use of Jobport, for e.g. labour market information and vacancies
  • Online meeting with our team in which you can pitch your objective
  • Job matching: a web page in which you present yourself with, among other things: (video) CV, objective, travel distance and salary indication with the aim of job matching in the network of Dynamisch Bureau. We share this with your agreement in our network.
  • Effective negotiation during job applications
  • Finding a nice job

Take a look at the structure of an outplacement process here.

Optional: group sessions

We regularly organize group sessions you can join. Each session has a different theme, such as: “Confidently stepping out,” “LinkedIn,” “Stand out with your CV,” or “Networking is the new job application.” The goal of these sessions is to support one another in finding work, learn from each other, inspire one another, and, where possible, make use of each other’s networks.

Guidance from start to finish with a coach who suits you

An outplacement program can transform your situation, which is often very challenging, into a positive new opportunity and work environment. A good connection with your coach is essential. Based on your postal code, we will find a coach together, and you can meet them for a free introduction.

Once you start your new job, we won’t just leave you to figure things out on your own. We’ll continue to coach you until you’re completely settled in your new position. For us, it’s all about you and your success in your new job—a job that makes your eyes sparkle!

Curious about what we can do for you and how your outplacement program could look like?

Download the free e-book

Receive the free E-book “3 valuable tips to get out of your dismissal in the best possible way” and regularly practical tips, experiences and inspiration for increasing happiness at work (e-book in English, mailing in Dutch)