TMA Job Suitability Indication

Are you unsure whether your current role still suits you? Or do you suspect that a colleague might no longer be in the right position? With our Job Suitability Indication service, we provide clarity on whether a role still aligns with someone’s abilities and preferences.

Preventing burnout and absenteeism

When you work from your talents, it energizes you. In contrast, relying on learned behavior often drains energy and can lead to burnout in the long term. A significant amount of absenteeism is caused by a mismatch between the individual and their work.

With the TMA Job Suitability Indication, we can assess whether someone is (still) in the right role and whether the right person is being hired for the job. This helps prevent unnecessary hardship.

TMA Talent Analysis

The TMA Talent Analysis is a unique tool that maps out talents, drives, and development potential. It provides greater insight into which behaviors truly align with a person’s “nature” and what energizes them.

Learn more about the TMA Talent Analysis

Performance matrix

The TMA Method has 53 competencies. From all these competencies, we select a number of competencies that are important for the position in consultation with you. From the talent analysis, we know whether the employee can easily develop a competency or not. With a 360° feedback analysis, we measure the actual performance.

In the performance matrix, we combine this information: what does someone demonstrate in the workplace, and how much energy does it cost them? You can also immediately see which competencies can be further utilized and/or developed. This provides a clear picture of how well someone fits the role.

The meaningful conversation

The employee has an in-depth discussion about the results of the TMA Job Suitability Indication with our Talent Professional. Only after the employee’s consent will the employer be informed. If the employee agrees, a follow-up meeting with the employer and employee takes place. During this meeting, we share insights and establish follow-up agreements together.

Curious about what the TMA Job Suitability Indication can do for you and your organization?