Neurodiversity Vitality Package

We have a special package of services especially for employees who recognize themselves in a neurodiverse brain, such as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), AD(H)D, giftedness and/or high sensitivity. Your coach has knowledge of your brain type and will work with you on the challenges you encounter.

Work with vitality

Things at work aren’t going as you’d like. This could involve challenges with tasks, such as planning and organization. Alternatively, you might feel reluctant to go to work due to poor communication with colleagues and/or your manager. In such cases, talking to a coach who understands your challenges can be incredibly helpful.

A tailored package

The vitality package includes conversations with one of our coaches where we work on your coaching goals and vitality. The 10 hours of coaching is supplemented with services that contribute to your vitality. This is tailor-made. Think of the TMA Talent Analysis, the exercise program and/or neurotraining.

TMA Talent Analysis

This analysis provides insights into your talents, drives, and aptitude for competencies. We examine how these align with your current workplace and identify areas for development. The TMA also reveals tasks that drain your energy. Energy loss often occurs when you operate from learned behavior rather than natural talent.

Read more about the TMA Talent Analysis

Exercise program

With our exercise program , you train at home with our app. It is suitable for anyone who is less vital and wants to become active again. Your coach is watching and is your enthusiastic stick behind the door.

Read more about our exercise program.


With neurotraining, you can work on improving yourself from home. Complaints often associated with neurodiversity, such as concentration issues or heightened sensitivity, can be addressed using a brain measurement. Training your brain helps improve focus and reduces sensitivity to external stimuli. Additionally, individuals with neurodiversity often experience stress and/or anxiety, which we can measure and train using positive feedback.

Read more about the neurotraining

Choose your own coach

Based on your postal code, we identify nearby coaches who might be a good fit for you. You’ll then have an introductory meeting to ensure a good match. After this free session, you’ll know if the coach is the right person to guide you through this program.

Curious about how we can help you and what your vitality package might look like?