'UWV To Work' program through UWV
Quickly return to a job that suits you! The “UWV To Work” program through UWV follows the “Getting Work Fit” program or starts directly if you are ready to work. After a period of incapacity for work, it can be challenging to re-enter the workforce independently, and guidance can be incredibly helpful.
Working together
“Does an employer even want me? How should I approach it? What should I say about my illness during an interview?” These are all questions that might be on your mind. That’s why it’s so helpful to work with an experienced coach from Dynamisch Bureau. Together, we’ll focus on finding a job that makes your eyes sparkle! The “Moving Toward Work” program is funded by UWV, including for individuals receiving sickness benefits, WIA, or Wajong, or those assessed <<35% WIA.
The right 'match' for you!
Before meeting one of our local coaches, you will first connect with a matcher from Dynamisch Bureau. This matcher works with you to determine which coach suits you best and who resonates with you most. This ensures a great chance of a successful match during your introduction meeting!
Live your talent!
Dynamisch Bureau supports many individuals with one or more psychological challenges, such as autism, burnout, depression, ADHD, long COVID, or personality disorders. We incorporate these so-called limitations and other barriers into the program. While we take them into account, our primary focus is on your talents and what is possible!
What can you achieve with the "UWV To Work" program?
- A strong presentation of your career goals
- Optimally utilizing networking in your job search process
- Effective use of social media, such as LinkedIn (including a professional profile photo)
- Successfully applying for jobs by working together on your CV, cover letters, and interview techniques
- Access to all relevant vacancies through our Jobport system
- Clarity about what you do and don’t want to disclose to a potential employer
- Effective negotiation during job applications
Our main goal: a job that perfectly fits your wishes and abilities. We aim for results!
In addition to individual sessions, online group sessions
We regularly organize online group sessions to complement your coaching, each with a unique theme, such as: “Confidently stepping out,” “Networking is the new job application,” “LinkedIn,” or “Stand out with your CV.” These sessions provide mutual recognition, networking opportunities, and support!
Years of experience and excellent results
Dynamisch Bureau was founded in 2005. Since then, we have successfully guided thousands of individuals in their careers, both through UWV and other organizations. Our results and placement rates are outstanding! You can read more about this on our homepage.

Curious about how we can assist you with a reintegration program through UWV?