The impact of long COVID with ongoing severe symptoms is highly disruptive. People with long COVID experience both physical and mental complaints, which also affect social activities, work, and income. To date, no effective treatment has been proven to address the root cause of long COVID. As a result, treatments focus on managing symptoms.
Symptoms such as fatigue, concentration problems, confusion, and brain fog associated with long COVID are also observed in conditions like ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and post-concussion syndrome (long-term symptoms following a concussion or brain injury). Neurotraining is a method that has been researched for these conditions and is now also being applied to long COVID. (Source: www.stichtinglongcovid.nl)
Neurotraining at Dynamisch Bureau
Dynamisch Bureau offers neurotraining as part of its services. Before starting the training, a brain scan is conducted to develop a customized training protocol. After all, measuring is knowing.
The training involves 40 sessions of 30 minutes each, using home-based equipment. To achieve optimal results, participants must train at least three times a week. Progress is monitored remotely on a weekly basis, with regular feedback provided. This ensures participants always have “an extra push” to stay consistent.
For businesses, neurotraining can be purchased as a standalone service, in combination with coaching, or as part of a Track 2 program. For UWV trajectories, neurotraining can be incorporated into Modular or Work-Fit programs. The training includes the rental of home-based equipment.
Want more information?
For more information, please contact Agnes Oosterveen of Dynamisch Bureau at agnes.oosterveen@dynamischbureau.nl or 085-27 35 722.

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