"You're at your best when people see how good you are"

Shereen Leissius
Career coach / Second track programme counselor / neurotrainer / TMA talent professional
“As a career coach at Dynamisch Bureau, I guide you in finding your way in the labor market by looking at who you are, what you can do and what you (no longer) want. Where possible, I also use my knowledge and experience as an image stylist for you.
From my unique view of the human being as total, inner and outer, I coach and guide you towards solutions, insights and self-confidence. I give you tips and advice that will help you and hold up a mirror to you (sometimes literally). My approach is empathetic, practical, result-oriented and I listen quietly to how you are really doing. I work with Ofman’s core qualities, Kolb’s learning styles, Situational Leadership and the STARRT methodology.
Because of my HR background, I have a great knowledge of the labor market and organizations. I have completed a bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management and a post-graduate degree in career coaching. Among other things, my experience as an HR manager, with an emphasis on learning & development and absenteeism, means that I have been working with people and their careers for over 33 years.
Absenteeism and stress often go hand in hand.
If you are stressed and at risk of becoming so overburdened that you may end up in a burnout or if you already are, I can guide you to recovery. I use the CSR methodology for this. ‘CSR’ stands for Chronic Stress Reversal: reversing and restoring the (sickening) effects of chronic stress. Often you are not even aware that you are stressed, while your body does give you signals. It is good not to ignore them.
Since 2004 I have been an image stylist, giving color and styling advice that strengthens your image and self-image. I have followed several courses aimed at both men and women that ensure that I can help you to bring out the best in yourself. Because clothing communicates. Your outward presentation consists not only of what you are wearing, but also of your non-verbal attitude and behavior. This affects how the other person sees you and what they think of you.
At Dynamisch Bureau I have the space to offer you the support you need, together with other independent professionals. We are enthusiastic and learn from and with each other and that is what makes it so valuable for me to be connected. Together, you’re stronger!”
Are you an entrepreneur or do you want to start as an entrepreneur? Then you can also contact me. For more information, see entrepreneurial coaching.
Welcome to my locations:
Het Coachhuis, Van der Kaaijstraat 64, 1815 VM Alkmaar
Colorpoint, Antilopestraat 18-20, 1338 EE Almere
Arrowz, Tappersweg 14-42, 2031 EV Haarlem
Het Coachhuis, Provincialeweg 302, 1506 MJ Zaandam
Durgerdamstraat 38, 1507 NJ Zaandam