"Live from your imagination, not from your history."

Sandra Woelders
Career coach / Second track programme counselor / TMA talent professional
“I believe in ‘conscious living’ and therefore making conscious choices: choosing things that give you energy because they suit you. With your personality, values, motivations and talents. Also, I believe that you are happiest when you completely accept yourself as you are. This is a process that I am constantly working on, and some days it works better than others :).
After studying Psychology, I worked in the business world for 15 years. Through my work as a manager of teams, I found out that I get a lot of energy from coaching people. That’s why I trained as a coach and career coach a few years ago and started as a freelancer.
I apply various principles of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) in my coaching. I also work a lot with Nonviolent Communication, systemic constellations, Transactional Analysis and mindfulness. As a career coach, I am solution-oriented, enthusiastic, empathetic and, due to my background in business, I have a broad network in the Amsterdam region.
In addition to my work as a (career) coach, I am also a certified stress counselor and enjoy being able to offer you tools to increase your internal resilience. Together we will work on both the physical and mental elements that provide more balance in your life. The aim is to develop different behavioural and thinking patterns so that you feel vital and energetic in the long term.
Through my network, I ended up at Dynamisch Bureau and there was an immediate click. The way this company works, going the extra mile, really appeals to me. I like that I am surrounded by colleagues who learn from each other and inspire each other. Dynamisch Bureau stands for “live your talent”. I fully endorse that. I like the fact that we, as coaches, are also consciously used for our talents. And that I can support you in the best possible way!”
Welcome to my location:
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 282A, 1012 GL Amsterdam