"Someone with certainties is a contemporary of the past, someone with a dream is a contemporary of the future."

Robbert Jan Eenhoorn
Coach / TMA talent professional
“The unicorn is a mythological animal and my last name. It is the symbolic expression of the process of self-insight and self-knowledge. The place of the horn on the forehead of the unicorn represents the ‘third eye’: the place of insight and self-knowledge.
My last name suits me. For more than 20 years, I have been guiding people to new work or a different interpretation that provides enjoyment of life and meaning. Self-insight and reflection are indispensable.
After a period of working in commerce in which I felt less and less at home, now about 30 years ago, I was fired. This brought me back on myself, a period of reconsideration in which I discovered that I was not at all as commercial as I wanted myself and those around me to believe.
During that period I discovered that I am much more of a ‘heart’ person, something that was missing in my commercial work. Out of a longing desire to know ‘how it is’, I first found a Buddhist Teacher and later a Native American Indian.
I learned a lot from them. They brought me to self-insight and self-knowledge, the basis of my work as a coach.
My parents strived to give me the best in my childhood. But unconsciously and involuntarily, I took over a lot of them that didn’t really belong to me. Gradually, by taking a good look at myself, I learned to leave behind what no longer served me and to discover new sides of myself.
After years of working independently as a coach, I wanted to work together again. Dynamisch Bureau and especially the holistic vision of cooperation, ‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts’, fit me like a familiar glove. From this partnership, I would like to go on a journey of discovery with you and discover what suits you!”
Welcome to my locations:
Het Coachhuis, Van der Kaaijstraat 64, 1815 VM Alkmaar
De Eenhoorn, Sint Antoniusstraat 5 1861 LD Bergen (NH)
‘t Wijkhuis, Texelstroomlaan 5, 1784 EA Den Helder
Workroom, Lepelaar 6, 1628 CZ Hoorn