"Dare to stand up for what is important to you!"

Ebbe Werre

Career coach / TMA talent professional

“You can have expectations of your future job or career at a young age. However, things often turn out differently due to unforeseen situations and choices. You may get stuck. How do you take back control if you have lost it in your career? I would like to look at the choices you can make at the moment.

I myself have worked in the HR profession for 15 years. The organization in which I worked changed a lot. This was the reason to take a closer look at my own career. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise! A coach gave me new insights and that’s why I changed course and said goodbye in 2006.

After a retraining process, I started my own coaching practice. Since then, I have been guiding, coaching and training employees who want to stay in work or are looking for (other) work. Falling, getting up and going again. With the right guidance, you will come out stronger! I speak from experience. I believe that we have a lot of strength within us to deal with difficult situations.

Together, we look for solutions during the process at Dynamisch Bureau and translate your wishes into concrete goals. I give you insight by using, among other things, ‘working from your values’, core qualities, asking for feedback, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, a method in the field of

communication and personal development) and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, teaches you to deal with your thoughts differently and brings you back to the ‘here and now’).

You will meet an experienced, empathetic and professional discussion partner. I often hear that I have a calm energy. If you have a lot on your mind, or if you have a lot on your mind, I will help you see the forest for the trees. I am proactive and have many tools at my disposal. I move along easily when it serves your purpose and is functional. You are made to think and then move in a new direction in small steps. I work without judgment and from the heart. You can rely on me in terms of both professional knowledge and expertise.

I am affiliated with Dynamisch Bureau because I enjoy working with a professional organization that shares the same passion for guiding people!

You are very welcome to get acquainted!”

Welcome to my locations:

Het Coachhuis, Van der Kaaijstraat 64, 1815 VM Alkmaar
P.C. Hooftstraat 4, 2025 SC Haarlem
Het Coachhuis, Dorpsstraat 42A, 1121 BX Landsmeer