"Letting go is giving space to learn new things."

Carol Lo-A-Njoe

Coach / Track 2 supervisor / TMA Talent professional

“As a coach, I guide you to feel good about yourself again and to be happy with yourself and your work. Together, we explore your goals and develop practical strategies to bring your working life back into balance. We address questions such as: who am I, what can I do, what do I want and what is the next step? If you are out of the labor process for a long time and/or have difficulty finding a suitable job due to limitations, taking the first step can be quite exciting. Together we get further. I’m here for you!

With my open, sincere, curious and positive approach, I create an atmosphere in which people quickly feel at ease. I believe that everything you need is within you. It’s just the art of unleashing your power and discovering your unique talents. Through self-reflection, growth and positive change, we succeed. With my guidance you can make conscious choices and get satisfaction from what you do.

I have knowledge and experience in coaching and training people in the field of communication skills and personal leadership, energy balance, growth mindset, career coaching, Voice Dialogue (method in which you talk to your different inner voices), systemic coaching, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: helps you to distance yourself from your thoughts and deal with them more flexibly), mindfulness, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), positive psychology, vitality and balance.

My expertise and experience lies in the field of people and labour. I have over 20 years of experience in various industries such as business services, healthcare and government. I mainly worked as an HR advisor, reintegration coach, career advisor and coach/trainer in the field of leadership and communication.

I like to work together with my colleagues from Dynamisch Bureau. Together we are stronger. We each use our unique talents, which makes us a strong team. By learning from each other, I can continue to grow and develop as a person and so can we as a team.

I believe in people’s own strength. With the support of me as a coach, we discover where your unique talents lie and what actions you can take for change. Will we achieve great results together? “

Welcome to my locations:

Het Coachhuis, IJsbaanpad 9, 1076 CV Amsterdam
Het Coachhuis, Raamweg 9, 2596 HL Den Haag
Het Coachhuis, Oosthaven 12, 2801 PB Gouda