Complaints procedure
At Dynamisch Bureau we do everything we can to satisfy our coachees and clients and to keep our quality at the highest level. We hope it’s not necessary -but just in case- you’ll find our complaints procedure below.
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1 Definitions
For the purposes of this regulation, the following definitions apply:
a. “DB”; Dynamisch Bureau bv The Hague
b. “Complaint”; any expression of dissatisfaction with a conduct, act or omission by (an employee of) DB;
d. “Employee”; any person who performs work for DB, regardless of whether he is employed by DB or hired as a self-employed person. The conduct of an employee working under the responsibility of DB is regarded as conduct on the part of DB.
Article 2 Right of complaint
Any interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with DB about the way in which DB has behaved against him or another person in a particular matter.
Article 3 Proper handling
DB ensures that oral and written complaints about his conduct are dealt with properly.
Chapter 2. Handling complaints
Article 4 Submitting a complaint
1. The complaint shall be sent by letter or e-mail ( and shall contain at least:
a. the name and address of the applicant;
b. by letter: the date;
c. a description of the conduct against which the complaint is directed;
d. the employee(s) to whom it relates.
2. DB may decide not to deal with a written complaint that does not comply with the first paragraph, provided that the submitter has had the opportunity to supplement the complaint within a reasonable period of time.
Article 5 Intervention
1. As soon as DB has satisfied the complainant’s complaint, the obligation to continue to apply these regulations lapses.
2. Upon request, the complainant will be informed in writing that DB assumes that the complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily.
3. If the complainant is not satisfied with the handling of his complaint, it will still be dealt with in accordance with these regulations.
Article 6 Acknowledgement of receipt
1. DB will confirm receipt of the complaint in writing within 3 working days.
2. The acknowledgement of receipt shall indicate:
a. the processing period;
b. the further procedure;
c. the contact person;
d. the possibility of being heard or waiving it.
3. If it is immediately clear that a complaint is not intended for DB, DB shall immediately forward this complaint to the body that is competent to deal with this complaint. DB immediately informs the complainant about this.
Article 7 Impartial complaints handler
The complaint is handled by an employee who has not been involved in the conduct to which the complaint relates.
Article 8 Non-mandatory processing
1. DB is not obliged to deal with the complaint if it relates to conduct:
a. about which a complaint has already been submitted and dealt with in accordance with these regulations,
b. which took place more than one year before the complaint was submitted.
2. DB is not obliged to deal with the complaint if the interest of the complainant or the weight of the conduct is manifestly insufficient.
3. If it concerns a fact for which the reporter can lodge an objection or appeal with or against a client of DB, DB cannot handle the complaint. DB will then forward this complaint to the responsible organisation.
4. The complainant will be notified in writing of the failure to deal with the complaint as soon as possible, but no later than four weeks after receipt of the complaint.
Article 9 Obligation to send the defendant
A copy of the complaint and the accompanying documents shall be sent to the person to whose conduct the complaint relates.
Article 10 Obligation to be heard
1. DB shall give the complainant and the person whose conduct the complaint relates the opportunity to be heard.
2. The hearing of the complainant may be waived if the complaint is manifestly unfounded or if the complainant has stated that he does not wish to make use of the right to be heard.
3. A report shall be made of the hearing.
4. A copy of the report shall be sent to the complainant on request.
Article 11 Processing time
1. DB will handle the complaint within six weeks of receipt.
2. DB can postpone the settlement for a maximum of four weeks. The adjournment shall be notified in writing to the complainant and to the person to whose conduct the complaint relates.
Article 12 Handling
1. DB shall inform the complainant in writing, stating reasons, of the findings of the investigation into the complaint and of any conclusions it may draw from them.
2. No objection or appeal may be lodged against a decision to deal with a complaint concerning DB’s conduct.
Chapter 3. Miscellaneous
DB is responsible for registering the complaints submitted to it.