UWV reintegration plan
Has the UWV asked you to draw up a reintegration plan? This plan contains what you need to be able to get back to work sustainably.
What is included in a reintegration plan?
The reintegration plan includes the following information: your personal details and those of Dynamisch Bureau, which reintegration activities will be discussed, how many hours of supervision will be used, how long the process will take and what further agreements we have made with each other. In addition, there is room to formulate your and our expectations on the process. There are three types of reintegration programs at Dynamisch Bureau: Modular Services, Making Work Fit or Going to Work.
Feel free to meet a coach who appeals to you
The first step in the process is a personal introduction. This is free of charge and gives you the opportunity to investigate whether it clicks with your future coach and Dynamisch Bureau. To do this, you will first be presented with a number of coaches from our team. You then choose who you want to meet. This way, the chance of a click is optimal!
Consultation with the UWV
If you choose Dynamisch Bureau, we will quickly contact your contact person at the UWV and coordinate the follow-up. The UWV provides us with their Work Plan, which contains the vision of the UWV with regard to your reintegration. We use this plan, together with the information from our introduction and the conversation with the UWV, for our reintegration plan.
Drawing up the plan
After choosing Dynamic Agency, we draw up the plan in consultation with you. You can easily sign this digitally via our system
The start
After your contribution to the plan and your approval, the plan will be sent to the UWV. Approval usually follows soon and we can start.
Look at:
Reintegration UWV Modular Services ,
Reintegration UWV Work Fit,
Reintegration UWV to work, or
Reintegration 2nd track.
Curious about how we can assist you with a reintegration program through UWV?