"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts."

Lisanne Lipman

Coach / Second track programme counselor / TMA talent professional

“In a world that is constantly accelerating, where every day rushes by like a whirlwind and where distraction, numbness & quick fixes are always within reach, it is not surprising that we sometimes feel lost in the chaos. We stay stuck in jobs that don’t fulfill us, in relationships that don’t nourish us, and in routines that suffocate us. We lose ourselves in the pursuit of external approval and materials, and often ignore the voice of our own inner compass.

I, too, have long tried to run away from everything that is difficult and confrontational. To take the easy way out, to see things but to run past them so as not to feel it. For a long time, this seemed like a good strategy, but it never got me where I wanted to be. Until I dared to slow down, to hear what I said to myself in my mind, to feel, to ‘confess’ even though there was a lot of shame and guilt here. To take space to get to know myself better so that it brings me to live from authenticity and to choose – every day – what is important to me.

As a coach, I believe in the importance of slowing down in order to reflect, understand and grow. With my guidance you will become more aware of the speed of your life and the quality of your thoughts.

I believe in the power of deepening, of digging into the deeper layers of our being, to discover the hidden treasures of our authenticity and strength. And I believe in the importance of connecting, of developing real, profound connections with ourselves and with others, to enrich our lives and enable meaningful change.

I have worked in many different roles over the years, such as manager at a large telecom company, trainer, coach and holistic therapist. Roles with people always in the leading roles, that’s where my passion lies. In my toolkit I have collected various tools such as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, helps to influence unconscious brain processes), systemic work and Transactional Analysis (a practical theory about behavior and communication). But also energetic tools such as Reiki.

I am affiliated with Dynamisch Bureau because I believe in the power of collaboration, bringing out the best in each other and learning from each other’s talents. It offers me the opportunity to further develop and grow in this beautiful profession in order to be able to offer even more tools to you!

I can’t wait to get started with you! Will I see you soon?”

Welcome to my locations:

Regus, Koningin Julianaplein 10, 2595 AA The Hague
Strausslaan 609, 2551 NJ The Hague
Regus, Mendelweg 32, 2333 CS Leiden
Regus, Louis Braillelaan 80, 2719 EK Zoetermeer