"It's the headwind that makes the kite soar!"

Sylvia Torn
Vitality coordinator
“You will have to deal with me if you choose neurotraining from Dynamisch Bureau. As a coordinator, I supervise all neurotrainers and monitor the progress of all training sessions. I make sure that each process is tailor-made and does justice to the unique needs and goals of the coachee. Questions are never just questions for me; They are opportunities for both me and the coachee to learn, to improve and to make a meaningful connection. Whether it’s a complex question about our training protocols, or a simple question about how we do things at Dynamisch Bureau, I’m ready to help and support.
This is challenging work that I take on every morning with a smile on my face. It’s great what we can do for people with this training!
For years I have been committed to helping and motivating people – whether they are self-employed, managers or employees – to enjoy taking on the challenges of life again. Neurotraining helps with that.
I’ve always believed in the power of the human brain, and I’m fascinated by its ability to change, grow, and adapt – especially when we’re under pressure. That’s the core of neurotraining, and I see it as my job to guide and support people in that journey of growth and change.
I also do this work because I believe in the mission of our agency. We’re not here to just focus on the bottom line, but to make a positive impact on the lives of the people we work with. We support people not only to become better employees or entrepreneurs, but also to become better, happier and more fulfilled people.
All in all, the Dynamic Bureau is not just a working environment for me – it is a great team of people and I am extremely grateful to be a part of it. “