“Without the confidence of my coach and others during this difficult period, I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am now.”

I worked at my previous employer for over 25 years, the last 12 of which I worked as a salary administration employee. I enjoyed working and got on well with my colleagues.

At some point my job changed in such a way that it didn’t really suit me anymore. My employer and I eventually parted in good harmony. I was offered a settlement agreement with an outplacement programme at Dynamisch Bureau.

From the first meeting with my coach of Dynamisch Bureau, there was a click that I normally do not easily get with a “stranger”. I usually keep a safe distance. Talking about my feelings was something I didn’t do at all. However, that barrier was not present during the conversations I had with my coach. It felt very open and familiar. I was looking forward to my appointments.

The situation I found myself in had much more impact on me than I initially realized and made me very uncertain. A lot had changed in the field of job applications. Because I had to look for another job I was confronted with all different kind of things. All of these aspects received attention in the process. I updated my resume and adapted it to the current standard. I also made a LinkedIn profile. It was a very big step for me since I did not use any social media. I started working on this in a group session. It was nice to see that you are not alone. Suddenly I was found on LinkedIn by recruiters!

Eventually I returned to work through a trial placement. I ended up in a close and very nice team. My new colleagues made me feel welcome from the start. It did have quite some trouble with the work at the start, it was a completely different way of working than I was used to. I reached a point where I did not have the confidence that this was my “place”. Fortunately, my supervisor thought differently and had faith in me. In a three-way conversation with my Dynamisch Bureau coach and my employer, we discussed my performance and how I should be guided based on my TMA Talent Analysis. After extending the trial placement, I got a six-month contract and I’m really enjoying my job!

Without the confidence of my coach, my new supervisor and others during this difficult period of time I would not have gotten to where I am now. I would advise everyone to seek help if you find yourself in a tough spot like me. I highly recommend Dynamisch Bureau.
Uiteindelijk ben ik via een proefplaatsing weer aan het werk gegaan. Ik ben in een hecht en heel gezellig team terechtgekomen. Mijn nieuwe collega’s gaven mij vanaf het begin het gevoel dat ik welkom was. Omdat het een heel andere manier van werken is dan ik gewend was, had ik met het werk veel moeite tot ik er op een bepaald moment niet meer het vertrouwen in had dat dit “mijn” plek was. Gelukkig dacht mijn leidinggevende hier anders over en had zij wel vertrouwen in mij. In een driegesprek met mijn coach van Dynamisch Bureau en mijn werkgever hebben we, aan de hand van mijn TMA Talentenanalyse, mijn functioneren besproken en hoe ik het best begeleid kan worden. Na verlenging van de proefplaatsing heb ik nu een contract van een half jaar en ik heb het heel erg naar mijn zin.

Zonder het vertrouwen van mijn coach, mijn nieuwe leidinggevende en anderen tijdens deze moeilijke periode was ik niet gekomen waar ik nu ben. Ik adviseer iedereen dan ook om hulp te zoeken als je ook in zo’n situatie komt als ik. Dynamisch Bureau kan ik je van harte aanbevelen.