Wendy Maynard: "I can enjoy the little things again and know how to deal with stressful situations. I take better care of myself now. I'm counting again!"

“My employment history is substantial, I have 45 years behind it. I was always working and studying to move up. That’s how I worked my way up to a managerial position. I thought that if I had a better job, I would have to work less. But nothing could be further from the truth. I worked full weeks, in addition to the studies I often followed. My priority was to take good care of my team and in doing so I forgot myself. Until I really couldn’t anymore. I was totally burned out. Due to an accumulation of factors, I have largely been rejected.
At Dynamisch Bureau and also at the UWV, I eventually got the help I had needed much earlier. I immediately had a good click with my coach. I didn’t have that click with the coaches I spoke to at other agencies. The process at Dynamisch Bureau has worked out better than I had dared to hope. The guidance was very personal and tailor-made. At Dynamisch Bureau you are seen as a human being and you get recognition for your personal situation.
With the help of Dynamisch Bureau I got back on my feet, within my physical and mental limitations. I’m so happy with that.
The trajectory at Dynamisch Bureau has given me the insight that I was working far too much, did not take any rest and took too much responsibility on my shoulders. As a result, the stress continued to build up. I was always there for my team members, but there was no support for me. This had a lot of impact on me, putting my health at risk.
The conversations with my coach have made me realize that I need a quiet working environment with as little pressure as possible in order to function properly. Without hard deadlines. I’ve learned to set boundaries. I now know what works and what doesn’t work for me. And that it’s okay to choose for myself. I have also learned how to deal with disappointments better and how to bring structure to my life. These are all very valuable developments in my life for which I am grateful to my coach.
In my youth I was already creative. The steps I have taken in my trajectory have given me more self-confidence. As a result, my creativity has blossomed again. I have discovered that there are suitable creative professions for me that I can earn money with. I now have a paid job for a few hours a week in an upholstery shop. I’m having a great time there. In addition, I help people with intellectual disabilities on a voluntary basis. This also gives me a lot of energy.
My tip? It may seem easier said than done. But I know from my own experience: don’t be afraid to change your situation. It can only get better! My future looks a lot brighter and less stressful. I’m doing what I wanted to do so much earlier. “Chase your dreams, don’t just watch them pass you by!”