Sandra Korenblom: "Even with work restrictions, you can find another job; There are employers who offer you an opportunity."

“Through my employer, I have registered with Dynamisch Bureau for a 2nd rail route. I had partly reported sick, could no longer handle my job and it was necessary to look for work with another employer. I felt very insecure whether there was still an employer waiting for someone with disabilities, like me.

Through the guidance of my coach at Dynamisch Bureau, I gained more self-confidence. We started talking about my talents and the positive was emphasized.

When I was ready, I was “put in the spotlight” by Dynamisch Bureau, which means that my profile was shared with the Dynamisch Bureau network and via social media. They asked for a work experience position for me. Several people responded and in the end I chose the position of front office employee at Medivus.

The work experience place was a success and it became paid work after that.

First on a secondment basis and now I have a one-year contract. I am very happy with that. Medivus gave me a chance to work with my limitations. I am appreciated and my talents are seen. I can now make ends meet on my income and my WIA benefit. I have now also found peace on a financial level and look forward to the future with confidence.

I would like to say to others that you can still find another job with occupational limitations, even if it takes a little longer. Don’t give up and stay positive. There are employers who give you a chance. For guidance towards that, Dynamisch Bureau is a good one!”