Rachel Punt: "I have had the job of my dreams since October 2023. I see the future more positively and I can't wait for everything that comes my way. I have goals in mind and no matter what happens, I can handle it!"

My contact person at UWV had the idea that I would have a good match with one of the coaches of Dynamisch Bureau. That certainly turned out to be the case when we got to know each other!
Before the program at Dynamisch Bureau I had already had a lot of therapy. For a number of years I had been working on various intensive programs at the GGZ to learn how to deal with my personality problems and depression. In the end, I dropped out of work and ended up at the UWV. I didn’t go out much anymore and I didn’t have many social contacts. Because of this, I found myself getting a bit stuck while those around me continued with life.
Every time a treatment process ended, I managed to take good care of myself. Yet, later on, I kept falling back into my old mental traps.
I had a great contact with my coach at Dynamisch Bureau. I could really be myself. I had the feeling from day 1 that he wanted to help me. Not because it’s his job, but because he was touched by my story. The contact was very personal and that feeling alone did a lot of good for me. The feeling that he took the time for me and didn’t judge, that he wanted to help because he saw someone who could move forward, but didn’t know how.
What I liked so much about the conversations was that I wanted to thank my coach several times for something, but his reaction was always: “well you did this yourself”. That made me learn to be proud of myself for the things I do. Instead of thanking him, I could thank myself, because after all, I had done it myself.
The TMA analysis has given me more insight into what kind of person I am. My motives and strengths, what I find important at work and in dealing with other people. I also received support to learn how to deal with feedback. In addition, my coach taught me to set boundaries and at first I found that very scary. I also challenged myself to be more honest with myself. When can I handle something and when does it become too much?
Before and after the process really makes a world of difference for me. I feel more confident in my performance and if something doesn’t go well, I can deal with it much better now. I’m not so myself anymore and that was a big thing that held me back on a daily basis.
I have now had the job of my dreams since Oct 2023. I am following a traineeship with the Police, which ensures that I can learn and work at the same time. I’m having a great time. The work is fun, but the social contacts are even better. My social contacts with friends and family have also improved a lot.
So this time I didn’t fall back into my old pitfalls. The future is more positive now and I can’t wait for everything that comes my way. I have goals in mind and no matter what happens, I can handle it!
Through this experience, my advice to you is: keep giving yourself opportunities to find the right way back. You don’t have to be ashamed to ask for and get help. As long as you want it and allow help, anything is possible!