Nel Spaans: "I gained more and more self-confidence during the process and confidence in a good outcome. My coach guided me through this difficult period."

“After 38 years of working as a financial administrative assistant for the same employer, an insurance company, I was told that my position was being terminated. The work carried out by me became superfluous due to further digitisation.
When I heard the news, panic set in, because what was to happen next? I was 57 years old at the time, I had never made a CV and hadn’t written a cover letter or interviewed for the past 38 years. I had gained a lot of experience in all those years, but had not obtained a degree.
At first I wanted to ‘do it all myself’, but after a day or two it dawned on me that I really needed help with this. On the advice of the HR employee, who already had a positive experience with Dynamisch Bureau, I ended up there.
I have experienced the guidance of Dynamisch Bureau as very good and pleasant. It is a professional agency and the coach thought along with and empathized with my situation. There was an immediate click between us from the start. I gained more and more self-confidence during the process and confidence in a good outcome. My coach guided me through this difficult period.
Through my trajectory at Dynamisch Bureau I learned how to pitch. Among other things, I participated twice in Jobconnection, a meeting for coachees where pitching is an important part. And where my CV only consisted of three lines in the beginning, at the end of my trajectory I had a nice CV that filled one A4!
Thanks to the TMA Talent Analysis, I have gained more insight into my strengths. I became more aware of what I actually have to offer.
My current situation is excellent. I am confident and calm. Although I initially thought I would never want to work in the financial sector again, I found out during the process that it actually still suits me very well. I am now working with great pleasure as an administrative assistant for the government! I like it, perform well and I can now keep work and private life separate better.
What advice I would give to others who find themselves in a similar situation as me? Ask for help! There is always someone who can help you. You can get advice, ask for help, and often it’s even paid for by your employer. I myself have already recommended Dynamisch Bureau to someone.
I now look forward to my future in a bright light. My personal message is: don’t be ashamed and ask for help. Be patient, something will always come your way and if I succeed, anyone can do it!”