Erwin Lemmers: "For a long time I was afraid that I would no longer be able to get a job at 50+. This clearly turned out to be a misconception."

“My work was cancelled in 2015 due to outsourcing. My employer at the time then put me in touch with Dynamisch Bureau where I could follow an outplacement program. I felt very uncomfortable with my dismissal situation. I hadn’t applied for a job for 16 years and I could use some help approaching the job market.

When I was ready, I was advised to start networking. For a long time, I greatly underestimated the power of networking. When I crossed a threshold, I started actively working on it. I showed myself at trade fairs and meetings and I benefited a lot from the recommendations on how to use LinkedIn effectively in finding work. After optimizing my profile, I was approached 3 to 4 times a week for a possible vacancy.

Through LinkedIn I found a nice job with a higher salary than before and good fringe benefits.

I have experienced the guidance in the process as very pleasant. My coach is very enthusiastic about her work and that is contagious.

I see my future positively. For a long time I was afraid that I wouldn’t find a new job at 50+. This clearly turned out to be a misconception. My advice: get the negative out of the positive. This is also very much appreciated during a job interview. Don’t throw in the towel and be visible. See what opportunities you can create with networking and LinkedIn. It helped me a lot.”