Bea Carels: "For me, the process has worked as therapy. I've had a lot of eye-openers; I have found out what I do want and what can become my hobby."

“After years of working as a team manager with too large a caseload and various internal changes within the organization where I worked, I was on the verge of a burnout or probably I was already in the middle of it. I hadn’t been able to sleep for months, was very tired, forgetful and went to the physiotherapist because of back and neck problems.
I had previously heard about Dynamisch Bureau through our P&O advisor and eventually got in touch. I knew what I didn’t want, but I didn’t really know what I did want, what my ambitions were. I wanted to find out with the help of a career coach
After the first conversation with my coach, I finally admitted that I wasn’t actually able to work and called in sick. During the process, I was stimulated to think about and describe my ideal working day. The autobiographical assignment was also enlightening for me. That it took me a week to find a hobby…
I discovered that I did a lot of hobbies for others, but never for myself. But also learning to let go of my work. Networking, applying for jobs. And the talent analysis made it clear where my talents lie and my interests.
After a few conversations, my employer wanted to work towards a settlement agreement and the career coaching continued as outplacement. When I was very sick, the assignments kept me going and forced me to think about my situation and about “What do I want to be when I grow up?”. The network offered a lot of support. Both privately and at work I received tips, vacancies, a listening ear, a nice walk in the woods, etc.
For me, the process has worked as therapy. I’ve had a lot of eye-openers. I have found out what I want and what can become my hobby. That’s goldsmithing. I want to work less, more time for myself, for my family and especially for my mother and 5 grandchildren.
I would definitely recommend Dynamic Bureau to others in a similar situation. I can say that I recommend that you should sound the alarm earlier, but for me this was the route I had to go through. I couldn’t have done it earlier.
How do I see my future? I’m about to start a very nice new job, first I took 4 weeks off to give everything a place and to be able to let go. I also have all kinds of fun plans such as training to become a goldsmith, refurbishing my holiday tube, a season full of gardening with my mother and enjoying my holiday home with my ‘bonus’ grandchildren.
In short, a new beginning with a different job full of fun new challenges and in which I want to learn to relax more. So that weekends can be experienced again when relaxing and holidays are only enjoyable!”