Aleksandra Rogala: "In nature, we have encountered many situations where I was mirrored and could learn a lot about myself. My coach has put me back in the light."

“Through the UWV I came into contact with Dynamisch Bureau for a Work Fit Making process. During the matching interview, I heard from a coach who mainly coached while walking and worked a lot with nature. I was actually immediately sold and the introduction to my coach confirmed this. This contact was nice, warm and personal. I felt that I was understood and heard. Which allowed me to be myself very quickly and share a lot about my situation. That openness was well received and I got it back. The relationship felt very equal and supportive.
My situation at the time was far from ideal. Due to a long-term depression, I was unable to provide much overview and structure to my day, let alone look for work and go to work. I was in trouble with myself and that had repercussions in all areas of my life. I saw fewer people, had little appetite and if I managed to get out of bed, that was the success of the day. I didn’t know who I really was anymore and what really made me happy.
The efforts I had already made for the process were mainly having a lot of conversations with a psychologist and participating in various groups within mental health care. I also did my best to do a number of things in a structured way. Sometimes this worked better than other times. At a certain point, I had been given quite a lot of tools to start something, but taking that first step remained difficult.
Dynamisch Bureau brought me further. I experienced the guidance as very professional and yet personal. The appointments with my coach gave me motivation to go out and taught me to take more steps in self-development.
It was nice to know that in addition to my coach, there were also ‘auxiliaries’ from Dynamisch Bureau itself. For example, I once attended a Jobconnection and learned a lot from fellow coachees about their careers and different professions. The guidance from Dynamisch Bureau has really brought me further in both my work and my private life.
My situation now is a lot better. Recently I started working in a new industry, from the hospitality industry I made the switch to childcare. In addition to a new job, I have also started training to become a specialized pedagogical employee.
All this requires a lot of time management and perseverance. For both aspects I have been given a lot of tools during my coaching, so that I can now tackle everything a lot more clearly and not lose myself again. I have regularity and structure in my life again, something I was looking for for a long time. I am also a lot more comfortable in my own skin because I am now doing what makes me happy: taking care of and guiding children where I can also be ☺ a child myself for a while.
What suited me so well is walking in nature. I am an emotional person, which made me feel more grounded and connected in nature. In nature we have encountered many situations where I was mirrored and could learn a lot about myself and my ways of approaching. In addition to the direct nature and connection with it, my coach has often used beautiful exercises and cards to help me get closer to the cause or feeling I was dealing with at that moment. My coach has put me back in the light and given me self-confidence.
What I would advise others is to choose a coach who walks and works with nature. Someone who thinks along with you and looks at your situation and supports you is the best thing I could have wished for during my process. It has brought me so much to make fixed appointments and go out for a walk, instead of having another conversation.
In addition, explore what your talent is and what you are good at, but especially what you like. Only then can you find a suitable profession that really keeps you up and motivates you to get up in the morning. Work should enrich your life, not exhaust it!
In the future, I hope to complete my education and have a pleasant cooperation with my employer for a long time to come. I hope to learn many more things about myself and others. In addition, I would like to eventually build on my career and eventually start my own business.
Life always gives you presents, it’s up to you to see it that way and unwrap them attentively.”