Michaël de Ruiter: "I turned out to have Long COVID and was able to do the neurotraining at Dynamisch Bureau through UWV. My quality of life has definitely improved as a result. I can concentrate better, have more focus and feel more alert".

“At the beginning of March 2020, I became infected with the corona virus. After a very heavy illness of several weeks with a high fever and many other complaints, I got back on my feet. Unfortunately, soon after that I got all kinds of strange complaints, which turned out to be Long COVID. Despite all these different complaints and countless relapses, I tried several times to return to my work as a senior sales coordinator.
During this time I followed various therapies, such as with an occupational therapist, psychologist, physiotherapist, homeopath, accupuncturist, orthomolecular therapist, holistic therapist, horse coach and a craniosacral therapist. Despite all my efforts, I ended up in the WIA. For example, I still suffered from “brain fog.” Brain fog doesn’t make you feel clear, groggy, and forgetful. I also had trouble concentrating.
At the UWV, I then received various agencies from which I could choose to follow a reintegration process. On the website of Dynamisch Bureau I read about the neurotraining. At the time, I already had the hope that my brain complaints could be reduced through this training. I was able to combine this with coaching from a coach with whom I immediately clicked. The choice for Dynamic Bureau was quickly made.
The neurotraining started with a 0-measurement of my brain activity, where a reduced activity was observed.
I then did the training 2 to 3 times a week for 30 minutes for more than 20 weeks and I quickly noticed improvement. I was less bothered by the brain fog. I also noticed that I was able to concentrate better and had more focus. I also had less trouble with external stimuli, such as sound and light. Even now, after completing the training, I notice a lasting improvement in these areas.
My quality of life has definitely improved because of this training and I can now do more activities in a day than before the training. For example, I don’t have to sleep so long during the day and I get through the day much better now. I would definitely advise others to follow this training. Despite the fact that I still have complaints, I look forward to a positive future!”